Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the results of tests of foam concrete of non-autoclaved hardening using different modifying additives.

microsilica, giperplastificator, foam concrete, modifying additives, liquid glass, polyvinyl acetate glue.
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1. Baranova A.A., Savenkov A.I. Penobeton, modificirovannyy mikro-kremnezemom ZAO «Kremniy» // Vestnik IrGTU. № 8 (91). 2014. S. 78-82.

2. Baranova A.A. Modificirovannyy teploizolyacionnyy penobeton povyshennoy prochnosti s primeneniem mikrokremnezema // Dissertaciya na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kand. tehn. nauk / VSGUTU. Ulan-Ude. 2014. 145 s.

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