GRNTI 06.39 Наука управления экономикой
TBK 10 Фольклор (издания для взрослых)
TBK 100 Российский фольклор
TBK 1000 Мифы, легенды, эпос
The article presents the results of research of physical and mechanical characteristics of fine-grained concrete with different percentage of fiber made of different materials.
fiber, fiberglass, fiber concrete, fine concrete.
1. Baranova A.A., Badenikova M.V., Bobrova A.A., Rudyh K.N. Tehnologicheskie osobennosti dispersnogo armirovaniya melkozernistogo betona fibroy iz raznyh materialov // Sovremennye tehnologii i nauchno-tehnicheskiy progress. 2018. T.1. S. 94.