GRNTI 06.39 Наука управления экономикой
GRNTI 02.01 Общие вопросы философии
TBK 10 Фольклор (издания для взрослых)
TBK 100 Российский фольклор
TBK 1000 Мифы, легенды, эпос
The article discusses the causes of the sociocultural contradictions that led to the radicalization of society and the emergence of terrorist revolutionary organizations in the second half of the 19th century. The social structure of society is considered. The danger of underestimating society propaganda of extremist ideas of revolutionaries is shown.
sociocultural split, the Russian society, the radicalization of attitudes, revolutionary terrorism, mass consciousness.
1. Ahiezer A.S. Rossiya: kritika istoricheskogo opyta. (Sociokul'turnaya dinamika Rossii). T. II. Novosibirsk: Sib. hronograf, 1997. - 600 s.
2. Budnickiy O.V. Terrorizm v rossiyskom osvoboditel'nom dvizhenii: ideologiya, etika, psihologiya. M., 2000. [Elektronnyy resurs]. http:// www.vixri. com/d/Budnickij%20O.A%20_Terrorizm%20v% (data obrascheniya: 07.04.2018).
3. Budnickiy O.V. Terrorizm glazami istorika. Ideologiya terrorizma // Voprosy filosofii. 2004. №5. - S. 3-19.