Russian Federation
GRNTI 31.05 Общелабораторное химическое оборудование. Аппаратура
A variant of reconstruction of the tube bundle of an air-cooling apparatus designed for propane con-densation is considered in order to increase the intensity of heat transfer from the outer surface of finned tubes to atmospheric air.
air cooling, coefficient of finning.
1. Scherbin S.A., Nikitina I.A. Teplootdacha ot naruzhnoy poverhnosti trub v apparatah vozdushnogo ohlazhdeniya // Vestnik AnGTU. 2017. № 11. S. 115-118.
2. Scherbin S.A., Nikitina I.A. Optimal'nyy koefficient orebreniya trubnogo puchka vozdushnogo kondensatora parov benzina // Sbornik nauchnyh trudov AnGTU. 2019. S. 157-161.
3. Scherbin S.A., Koryachenko A.O. Povyshenie effektivnosti teplootdachi v apparatah vozdushnogo ohlazhdeniya // Sovremennye tehnologii i nauchno-tehnicheskiy progress. 2021. S. 105-106.