GRNTI 06.39 Наука управления экономикой
GRNTI 02.01 Общие вопросы философии
TBK 10 Фольклор (издания для взрослых)
TBK 100 Российский фольклор
TBK 1000 Мифы, легенды, эпос
The article is devoted to the study of the demographic situation in the Irkutsk region, the analysis of the dynamics of the birth- and death-rate, migration of the population, demographic trends which have developed in the period from the early 1990s and which are still taking place at present. Demographic processes in the Irkutsk region in the context of all-Russian trends were being studied. Approaches to regulation of regional demographic processes allowing overcoming the depopulation problem have been developed
natural population growth, birth and death rate, migration growth of population, demographic policy.
1. Territorial'nyy organ Federal'noy sluzhby gosudarstvennoy sta-tistiki [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya 11.04.18).
2. Spravochnaya sistema «Finansovyy direktor» [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya 11.04.18).
3. Informacionnyy portal «Pribaykal'e» [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrascheniya 11.04.18).