A method for increasing the level of mechanization of labor-intensive production processes is considered using the example of the process of putting into repair a faulty pump for pumping fuel oil, which has no reserve
mechanization, pumping equipment, cordless wrench.
1. Artem'eva V.M. Povyshenie urovnya mehanizacii i avtomatizacii stroitel'nogo proizvodstva s cel'yu povysheniya tehniko-ekonomicheskih pokazateley [Elektronnyy resurs] // Molodoy uchenyy. - 2018. - № 48. - S. 360362. - URL https://moluch.ru/archive/234/54391/ (data obrascheniya: 24.02.2020).
2. Kompleksnaya mehanizaciya i avtomatizaciya proizvodstva: ponyatie, pokazateli urovnya i effektivnosti [Elektronnyy resurs]. - URL https://studopedia.ru (data obrascheniya: 24.02.2020).