The relevance of the introduction of an automatic system for continuous monitoring and accounting of emissions (ASNK and HC) is considered, taking into account the reliability of decisions.
industrial and environmental control, best available technologies, negative impact on the environment, integrated environmental resolution.
1. Kochurov I. V. «Ustanovka avtomaticheskih sistem nepreryvnogo kontrolya i ucheta ob'ema i/ili massy, koncentracii vybrosov zagryaznyayuschih veschestv (ASNK i UV)». Novosibirsk, 2018 g.
2. PNST 187-2017 Nailuchshie dostupnye tehnologii. Avtomaticheskie sistemy nepreryvnogo kontrolya i ucheta vybrosov vrednyh (zagryaznyayuschih) veschestv teplovyh elektrostanciy v atmosfernyy vozduh. Osnovnye trebovaniya [Elektronnyy resurs] https:// (data obrascheniya: 01.03.2020).
3. Prikaz Minprirody RF ot 18.04.2018 № 154 «Ob utverzhdenii perechnya ob'ektov, okazyvayuschih negativnoe vozdeystvie na okruzhayuschuyu sredu, otnosschihsya k 1 kategorii, vklad kotoryh v summarnye vybrosy, sbrosy zagryaznyayuschih veschestv v rossiyskoy federacii sostavlyaet ne menee chem 60 %».