The article deals with dangerous and harmful factors in the workplace of an x-ray technician, which are investigated after the state examination on the application of employees who are dissatisfied with the implementation of the pecial assessment of working conditions at this workplace. It is shown that the x-ray technician is influenced by chemical factors, biological factors, noise, industrial frequency electromagnetic field, ionizing radiation, light environment, and the severity and intensity of the labor process
The article deals with dangerous and harmful factors in the workplace of an x-ray technician, which are investigated after the state examination on the application of employees who are dissatisfied with the implementation of the pecial assessment of working conditions at this workplace. It is shown that the x-ray technician is influenced by chemical factors, biological factors, noise, industrial frequency electromagnetic field, ionizing radiation, light environment, and the severity and intensity of the labor process
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4. Sanitarno-epidemiologicheskie pravila SP 1.3.2322-08 «Bezopasnost' raboty s mikroorganizmami III-IV grupp patogennosti (opasnosti) i vozbuditelyami parazitarnyh bolezney [Elektronnyy resurs] URL: (data obrascheniya: 28.03.2020).