. In connection with the emerging demand for gasoline solvent with a low content of aromatic hydrocarbons we carrier out the analysis of intermediate products obtained in JSC " ANHK " suitable for the producing of the solvent. The most suitable for the separation of the fraction are gasoline fractions producing from the hydrogenation product of the hydrocracking of light vacuum gas oil and the hydrogenation product of high conversion hydrogenation of the heavy middle distillate fractions. We performed work on the recovery of a narrow fraction of gasoline solvent and its tests for compliance with the requirements.
gasoline solvent, solvents.
1. Karavaev M.M., Leonov E.V., Popov I.G., Shepelev E.T. Tehnologiya sinteticheskogo metanola. Pod red. prof. M.M. Karavaeva - M.: Himiya, 1984.