Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The purpose and objectives for the development of a laboratory stand for monitoring the content of flammable gases in the air of the working area are formulated, the developed layout of the front panel of the stand is presented.
The purpose and objectives for the development of a laboratory stand for monitoring the content of flammable gases in the air of the working area are formulated, the developed layout of the front panel of the stand is presented.
1. Kolmogorov A.G., Grigor'eva Yu.E. Laboratornyy stend dlya izmereniya i regulirovaniya temperatury // Sistemy avtomatizacii v obrazovanii, nauke i proizvodstve. AS’2019: trudy XII Vseross. nauch.-praktich. konf. (s Mezhdunarod. uchastiem)/ Min-vo nauki i vysshego obr. RF, Sib. gos. industr. un-t [i dr.]. - Novokuzneck: Izd. centr SibGU, 2019. S. 218
2. OOO «AnalitTeploKontrol'»: [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: