Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article investigates the regulation of the angular speed of an electric drive (ED) with a pulse-width converter (PWC) and a direct current motor (DC motor) of independent excitation (NV) when controlled in a closed-loop system. A proportional-integral (PI) -regulator was used as a regulator of the angular velocity. To analyze the processes in the closed-loop SHIP-DPT system, the methods of simulation are used. The principle of operation of an electric drive with control from a PWM is described. Developed and modeled EP circuits with PWM in the Matlab environment using blocks from the Simulink / SimPowerSystem library. A model block has been modeled that calculates the static and dynamic power losses of the PWP IGBT. To calculate the static and dynamic losses, the method of approximating the loss graphs was used. The obtained mathematical dependences describe quite accurately the graphs of the power losses of the IGBT transistor. It is shown that when using a PI-controller, the angular speed of the electric drive is set according to a given speed reference signal.

independent excitation direct current electric drive, pulse-width converter, regulator, automa-tion, power losses
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